Hi Samus Genesis,
you said
" Originally Posted By: SamusGenesisDevelop immunity to disease, heal from damage within minutes, clone myself on a whim, be able to handle moving at high speeds, breath under water, etc.

well, you don't want much do you? How about coming and going at the speed of thought, manifesting instantly anything you desire, heal anybody of absolutely anything even restoring missing limbs, appearing and disappearing instantly, going through walls, becoming immortal, ect. ect.......??

All of this is very natural and our right to have and to be. Unfortunately it does not happen with any of the mentioned & unmentioned courses (I know, I have done many). It will happen only when our vibration frequencies have risen so much that we reconnect with our submerged omniscient mind. Nothing to do with our conscious surface mind, no matter what you do.

What you want will happen automatically when we finally ascend to the 5th dim. (in 2012) which is what has been called "The Garden of Eden" or even higher when we become fully conscious of our Oneness with the Creator. See my other various comments in "Beyond Human".

Love and blessings,
