A Prosperous New Year to you!

Today I start Paraliminal Accelerator program with a clear intention: I am so happy and grateful I now have a passive income of over $10,000 per month.

Minimum: I am doing my wealth conditioning program and paraliminals every day no matter what!

Target: I am so excited and grateful I now have a passive income of over $10,000 per month.

Outstanding: I am financially free. I am a Millionaire and more!
I am empowering people. I am a full time entrepreneur, author, wife, and speaker. I have free myself from my day job.


I wasn't sure if how to breakdown the Target to Minimum but I am sure of my Target and Outstanding. For to do the Minimum every frikin day will lead me to greater results so it's all great!

Please join me in this journey! We can create more abundance in all areas of our lives. I feel so grateful that I have a prosperous life already and have love, family, career in good balance and so what's next for me is more freedom and living my life in my own terms as myself being my own magnificent boss:-)

Thank you for reading and sharing your light!

Last edited by prosperitylove; 02/03/10 12:36 AM.