Hi again, Catalina!

The Pathway program is significantly different than the CD course in a couple of ways. The sessions are an hour long with 10 to 15 minutes of discussion and then 45 to 50 minutes of meditation. This extended meditation time can create some really profound shifts. You are correct that the meditations have been pre-recorded, but the experience of connecting in and meditating with a group of like-minded individuals is really powerful!

While some of the materials are similar to what you are getting with your CD courses, Jeddah approaches them from different perspectives, which contributes to a deeper and more comprehensive experience. I find that combining the two has generated a deep integration of the concepts into the core of my "being."

Even though I have been working with Jeddah's materials since the first Pathway series, I still have "aha" moments when I hear or perceive something that is new to me. I guess it's like not being able to step in the same river twice, because I'm a different person each time I revisit the meditations.

Lots of love to you,