We are told that if we want something we should not ask for it: we should pretend that we already have it and we should thank for it and be grateful. We are told that we should be grateful for what we already have and not to think about what we do not have because the more we think about what we don't have and the more of that situation we are attracting to ourselves. And all of this is quite true, but WHY and HOW does it happen that way?
Because our thoughts combined with our feelings/emotions create our own personal reality. WHAT does it make it that way?
We project our thoughts, reinforced by our emotions or feelings, into the invisible Light all around us and it responds to us by giving us what we project into it.
Have you noticed that when (or if) you pray to God (any God) your prayers are not answered? Have you asked yourself why? Because when we pray, we pray for what we do not have instead of being thankful, first of all, for what we already have. And you may say "yeah, easy to do that if you are not struggling to stay alive or to keep a roof over your head or have the money to pay for the basics in life, or to pay for my children education or to buy food, ect ect........what should I be thankful for?"

Have you noticed that the rich never pray for anything and yet they keep getting richer? Why is that? Because from birth the thought of poverty or lack of anything never enter their mind (because of course they already have everything) and so, even if they are not pursuing deliberate stealing from others, they are always rich. Why? Because they are not afraid of being poor or left with nothing so they never think like that, and that is easy because when you are born into riches, wealth automatically makes more wealth. And they are definitely NOT more intelligent than you, in fact most of them are quite stupid or insipid or simply unintelligent.
So it seems to be just a matter of 'pure luck', of where you are born, into which family you are born. That is true enough, but can we change it? Yes, some do, some don't even though they work very hard.
So, if we are not wealthy, if we do not have enough, what is that we should be thankful for? Because I tell you what,.... if your prayer to our Creator (no matter what you call Him) is under the form of 'gratitude' for all His giving and loving, at that point and only at that point you can also thank Him for what you desire - "Thank you, Father/Mother for my perfect good health, for my abundance, for my new job,"... whatever. And you shall have it.
But you must understand what you are talking about, you must know about all His giving and His loving, all that we are taking for granted because we never thought about it or how it comes about.
Have you ever asked yourself what makes plants, grass, flowers, vegetables grow? You may answer: it is the forces of Nature of course. And what is Nature? Sunlight?, water? wind? cold? warmth? earth? What is that makes up Nature? Does it create itself? and if you think so.... then you consider Nature to be God, the Creator. Is that so?......Is that what you think?

See, it is this lack of understanding that makes us take everything for granted and we do not realize that in every nanosecond (which is one billionth of a second) quintillions of miracles of transmutation actually happen. The speed of this is such that we cannot possibly perceive it or realize it.
Scientists have realized that we live submerged into an ocean of energy. It is actually Light, a Light still invisible to us because our pineal gland (which is the so-called third-eye) is almost inactive. When it becomes fully active we shall have 'extended vision' even with our eyes closed. We shall see things behind our head, 360 degree spectrum, we shall see things beyond solid objects, our house walls will be transparent, we shall see the sap inside trees' trunks moving up and down, we shall see inside the soil underneath our feet and what a marvel it will be: it will look like a sea of gems of different colors, likewise the stones in your garden.
For our pineal gland to become fully active our vibrations frequencies must be raised to "full consciousness" and that will surely happen in time. When we shall be fully conscious we shall realize that we are One with the Creator and we shall also be able to see the golden Light into which we and everything else are submerged.
It is this golden Light (still invisible to us now) that creates everything, but this creation did not happen billions of years ago and just keeps going by itself. This invisible Light actually creates and de-creates absolutely everything every nano-second. And when we shall be 'fully conscious' we shall be able to actually see this happening. Every nano-second all that is physical disappears into this Light to re-appear back in physicality on the next nano-second. All of this of course happens to such a speed that we cannot possibly realize it and so we never even thought about it.
Now look at a tree whose branches and leaves are gently moving in the breeze and imagine what it must take to re-materialize every cell of those leaves and branches NOT in the previous exact position where they were in the previous nano-second, but in the next position following and according to the motion of the breeze.
Think about that for a moment..... and then multiply that for all the leaves, branches, trees, grasses, flowers and even moving vehicles on our roads or sky or waters.........
Think about it! And what about all waves in the oceans..... what kind of almight power is behind all of this??????!!!!!!!!
It is so unimaginable to our minds that we cannot even conceive it.
And while this is going on, there is the matter of 'the growing of all things' from vegetation to animal and human life.
Let's think about a simple tomato. We are all familiar with it. We all know how very small its seeds are in it and it takes only one of them to grow a new plant of tomatoes. All we have to do is put the seed in the soil (about 3 to 5 millimeters under it), water it, keep it watered and within a couple of weeks you'll see a seedling coming out which keeps growing. The seed opens on top and at the bottom: on top, it comes out of the earth as a green plant, at the bottom it grows roots. Who does the growing? Not the farmer! The farmer only puts the seed in the soil and keeps it watered. Where do you think the atoms for the green plant which will also produce dozens of that delicious tomato come from? From the earth? .... NO! The soil of the earth only produces roots - in fact if you think about it, when you pull the plant out with the roots, you leave a hole in the ground of the exact size of the roots. If the atoms of the green plant and fruits were created out of the soil, don't you think that as the plant grows you would see a hole around the plant of the same size as the plant?.... Imagine an oak tree: if the atoms of the oak tree came from the earth, wouldn't the trunk be surrounded by an enormous hole all around its base?..... It doesn't, does it? The ground around it is always flat: nothing is taken from it for the plant which is growing over it: only the roots take from the soil.
So where do those atoms which make up the tomato plant, the oak tree and all vegetation on earth come from? From the invisible Light we are submerged into!
Think about how a baby is created: all it takes is an ovum from a woman and a spermatozoy from a man. When the sperm enter the ovum ( we erroneously say 'it fertilizes the egg) it adds its own half to the ovum half to become one, at which point the ovum divides in two, then those two divide again and becomes four, those four divide again and become eight and so on and on at incredible speed: they divide to multiply. For the first 12 weeks of its life this new creation is extremely busy and keeps on multiplying all by itself (seemingly) because it is not yet in contact with the woman's body. It takes nothing, no nutrients or blood from the mother because it is totally detached from it. It creates a placenta within which to grow but it is still taking nothing from the mother. That explains why the woman experiences nausea and vomit during those first 3 months (sometimes up to 4 months) because since the baby's body is not connected to hers, her body does not recognise it as part of itself and tries to reject it: if we eat anything that does not belong to our body like a poison, doesn't our stomach try to regurgitate it? It is the way the body tries to get rid of a foreign body first by vomiting it.
At 12 weeks this new creation is a complete very little human body: it has a head with brain, eyes, ears, trunk, heart, liver, arms, legs, fingers and toes and also a sex already defined. Sure it still needs a lot to be ready to be born: it needs to grow in flesh and muscles and bones, ect. and that is when it starts taking nutrition from the mother. Where did those first millions of cells come from if they did not come from the mother? ....... This invisible Light we are submerged into created those atoms and cells. And do not forget that they were not created at random like a mass of cells: they all were very specific and differentiated. The cells of the brain are not the same as the cells of bone or skin, the cells of an eye are not the same as the cells of liver or kidneys or nails and they knew exactly where to go and what kind of body to form.

Think about how many new babies are born every day, and puppies of every kind of animals, and green stuff of all vegetation and they are kept growing with new cells every nano-second.
Nature is created by this invisible Light.

Didn't Jesus and every other Enlightened Being say that God is the Light of the world? They meant it literally although no one understood it then.

And this is only what happens on this planet: you would be very surprised how the entire Universe is created. And all by this ALLMIGHTY POWER.

There is absolutely nothing that is not created by this Light. Even the atoms that make up the bricks to build a house are created by this Light.

Once you appreciate all of this, you will have a lot to be grateful for: this Almighty Creator has created a most beautiful and fruitful garden for us and never stops doing it.
Start being thankful for it, for all His immense loving and giving and beauty and never for a moment think that all the evil in the world is His will: He would never, ever, ever want you to suffer! It is the greed for power of a few which creates poverty, misery, diseases and wars for the many. And it was all the religions who made people believe that life is not meant to be easy and that all tragedies are the will of God. Why? ..... Because if the masses knew the truth, that our Creator only wants the very best for us, they would rebel and then there would be nobody doing the menial, heavy work for the few including the clergy and the wealth of the world would belong to all.
And after you thank Him with all your heart, you can also thank him for what you desire, but do not think about the lack of it: just thank Him for good health (if that's what you want) or for your new house (if that's what you want) or for your son or daughter coming to see you (if that's what you want). Understand?
First be sincerely grateful for all that He is giving every nanosecond and then thank him for what you desire as if you already had it. That's it.

Love to all,
