Hi everyone! It's March, spring is coming! Did Day 15 New Behavior Generator-B.

New Behavior I want to practice that will led me to my goal:
-Practice 20-minute yoga on the mat every day

This will help me clear my mind, develop more discipline and clarity. What happens in my yoga mat expands in all areas of my life. I stopped doing real yoga practice for month. I felt imbalance with shoulderache-lol! So today, I got back to it and rested after the past long days working with no formal exercise.

So what happened the rest of my day after my yoga practice? Felt better, shoulder is looser, had a great dinner with honey, studied, met with biz partners, walked post dinner. More productive than I thought.

Tomorrow is Day 16! I'm bringing my paraliminals with me to my trip this week!

Thank you for reading and sharing. I appreciate all your suggestions. You all keep me accountable. Thank you!