Wow! That is fascinating! (About David Copperfield)

I have never seen a show of his in person, but I have watched him on TV. He is my favorite magician! However, it has been many, many years since I have heard of him performing, and few are the people who remember watching him on TV. Most people I now know have never heard of him.

I had no idea he did those things during live performances.

Flying! When I was a kid I imagined I could do those things. But, that is common for children.

I have read all of Richard Bach's books, even the ones about airplanes. When I was a teen, I read Jonathan Livingston Seagull. When I began a determined path of discovery, when I was 32 years old, a friend handed me a copy of Illusions. So, after I finished it, I reread my copy of Jonathan.

Much has happened in between then and now. Now, I am 49 years old.

I grew up next door to my mother's mother. I was at her house a lot, and she had a great influence on me. She was interested in strange things - such as reflexology - and she taught me as much as she thought I would understand. I think she may or may not have understood what she was teaching me. But, she read The National Enquirer. That paper has a reputation for reporting dramatic events, for reporting ordinary events in a dramatic way, and for making up news. But, I noticed through the years that they would report true things that were simply too strange to appear in normal newspapers.

This is where I would have heard about David Copperfield's performances, if they were reported in America, at all.

Due to my early interest in such things, because of my grandmother, I think I would have remembered it, if this were reported in The National Enquirer. I don't remember it.

But, that is not surprising, as you say, because news of this type would rarely, if ever, be reported here.

I am happy that you remember him! Most people I know do not.

When I read Richard Bach's books, I remember the reference to Don Shimoda and Richard saying that he did, indeed, swim in the earth, but he has been unable to do it, since Don is no longer around. But, at the time I read his books (in my 30's, so 12-15 years ago), I didn't know how much I could believe as truth. It seemed that Richard mixed up truth and fiction somewhat, to make a good read.


Last edited by JCFengShui; 03/16/10 06:00 PM.