Hello JC,

you know, your main media is really under the control of a couple very powerful and wealthy and influential people who must definitely be part of the oligarchy that wants to take over the world through the pretense of a New World Order - very wrong word for it: it should be called New World Chaos and Slavery.

I can't believe that your TV channels never showed his live performances: we've seen many here in Australia - through TV programs. Of course they (your own media) did'nt want people to get the idea that those things were actually possible. Instead make sure that people believe they are helpless, vulnerable and powerless. It will be much easier then to take control over all of them.

Yes, David Copperfield really did all of that and I have to say, that even though it was clear that there could possibly not be a trick, there still are many sceptics who, even having seen it, do not believe it. So there you are.

About Richard Bach, did you know that his first successful book which was made into a beautiful movie with Neil Diamond music, Johnathan Livingston Seagull, he received every word of it into his mind: he actually admitted it in an interview and he said that he got almost the entire book all very quickly and then, the closing, last chapter wasn't coming and he did not know how to finish it. It took him another month before the last chapter was actually 'dictated' into his mind: he said that he does not feel like the author of the book.

And any way, I am convinced that the events in 'Illusions' really happened, but I think that there is a lot of fiction and his own fantasy in the next book called "One". Did you read it?

And did you know that he is not married to Leslie any longer, not for the past 8-9 years anyway? How about that? He never explained what happened: he agreed with Leslie never to say a word of it. All he said was "she had to follow her own path and I my own". And he married again.

Love to you,
