Hi CPW1 again,
sorry but I pressed the wrong button and my message left just started.
You are very right in what you said. I also have worms in my vats' soil. Everything helps.
After I answered your first message I realized that most probably what you meant was that "yes, the Creator does the growing and the creating of new atoms, molecules, cells, ect. ect., but if we do not do any work it just does not happen. I remember having read a little story many years ago about a man with a great dream of having a cottage with a beautiful, green, luscious land around it, but it did not have enough money to buy such a beautiful piece of land. All he could afford was to buy a very desolate, almost desert like piece of land where he built his own cottage and, after many years of hard work in clearing, plowing, cultivating, adding various minerals and manure and planting seeds and taking care of them, he finally had his dream fulfilled. And one day, the town preacher came visiting him, looked over his very luscious, beautiful property and said to him: "Well, look what God has given you! You'll have to be very grateful for such rich land" and the farmer answered: "Yes, reverend, but you should have seen it when God had it all by Himself" I laughed so much about it, because it is true!

At the same time, we'll have to add that before this last century this earth had millions of hectares of forests with immense trees which nobody planted or looked after them, and we'll have to say that man must have found fruit trees and vegetables already on the planet because certainly man cannot create a seed of anything.

So, if growing things today is requiring so much work, we'll have to thank Monsanto and others like them and all the Agri-business multinationals and Chemical multinationals for polluting, poisoning, cross-genetically modifying everything they can get hold of and creating immense problems including the collaps of millions of beehives all over the world. Your USA has had to import millions of bees for the past 8-9 years every year because they always, from one day to the next, die out completely. It is starting even here in Australia after they started crops of GM crops. Without counting the cutting down of millions of acres of forests all over the world: that alone will have to change the climate because where there are no trees there is no rain.

But you know, this having to work for what we desire has happened only since man has fallen out of his 5th dim. vibrational frequencies, what was called the "Garden of Eden".
Before, man did not need to work, he was fully connected to this ocean of Light which creates everything and so his desires were instantly fulfilled.

And that is how it will be after the Shift in Consciousness back into the 5th dim. for all who will choose Love instead of Fear and greed, and hatred.

And, by the way, I do not have a blog and I do not sell anything. I live very peacefully by myself - I don't even have a TV or radio any longer (too much ads and rubbish) and I do not read daily newspapers or magazines, but I keep myself informed quite a lot with scientiphic things and other products (like those sold through Learning Strategies) and real News through a US website: www.Newswithviews.com and a european one www.brusselsjournal.com - they both give all the true news that you will never hear on TV or other media outlets.
And of course I read lots of very interesting books which stimulate my own thinking and knowledge, thanks to the fact that I do not need to work any longer as I am 66 yrs young and I get a pension. Besides, I have been interested in different philosophies and religions since very young and found them all wanting.

Love to you,
