Oh people, how little you know about how the Catholic religion started and why it called itself Roman!

I was born catholic too, well it was not my choice since it is the national religion in Italy. But it never resonated within me, never, even when I was just 7,8, 9 yrs. old and used to tell straight out what was wrong in the priest's sermon after Sunday mass directly to him. I remember he used to stare at me without ever arguing my points and he never told me off like most other priests would have done. He just listened very intently and it went on for months.

I knew then, when I was still a child, that I had come to tell people "about God" - the real God, not the one every religion invents for its own purposes. I started very early on to study various religions' concepts and various phylosophies and, by my late 30s I let them all go knowing they all were contraddictory and wanting.

Had I been a male, most probably I would have gone to a Christian institution to become a priest when I was young. Thanks to God, I am a woman, so that was not possible and let me free to have time to learn about what this world is all about before I could start my mission.

In the meantime, from the beg. of the 80s, I found many answers and not in any religion or belief systems.

Sorry Reverend, I am not going to answer every point you made: by experience I know that one cannot change anyone's religious or political beliefs. It takes a great mind to be open enough and be an independent "thinker".

I leave you all with your own beliefs to which you resonate.

Have a good day!
