Dear Wendy and other interested users,

In the meditation on 'Meaning' Jeddah asks us to bring to mind something that we have found to give our lives meaning. Then we are asked to release that thought or image and return to the Sea of Awareness. The resulting experience dissolves some (or all) of the mental and/or social props we use to give that thing 'meaning' for our lives. (I hope this is a reasonably accurate summary of that section of the meditation.)

As I have lived quite a few years on this planet already in this life, a lot of the major meaning categories have been decimated -- just the nature of my quest has brought up and destroyed a lot of these identifications. So, basically, when Jeddah asks us to bring forward some aspect of meaning structure that we adhere to, my mind draws a blank. That does not mean I believe I have nothing more to examine! Just that it's not coming readily. The response that comes to mind is 'Just stick with it and something will come up as you keep asking yourself to bring it forward into conscious awareness.' Undoubtedly that is true, but I'd like to know a few examples of 'meaning' other than the large categories Jeddah mentions in the introduction to Meditation 4.

What actually does give life meaning? When I really think about it, the only thing I can come up with is loving friendship, especially with other seekers, and rendering service to those in need.

Thanks for being here!
