I know what you mean about "having to spend more money" to progress with holosync; that brought out my cynic. And in terms of how each is presented, I much prefer SPF qigong, which reflects Chunyi's energy and genuine love which pervades the whole approach. I feel very at home with it. I think the holosync organisation could learn alot from SPF. But I do think holosync does work! If you can let go of the hard sell approach of the organisation, and just let yourself receive the benefits of the actual holosyn cd, it might give you alot. And as I said earlier, I have found after doing SPF qigong first, then adding holosync after I'd been doing qigong for a few months, that my experience of SPF has deepened more. And I believe that doing SPF has helped to deepen my holosync experience.

Whatever works for you and where you can feel benefit is good.

Hope doing both help you on your journey.
