Mezmerotica....Thankyou for your wonderful post. Your post has a different and very peaceful energy to it. Thankyou smile

Well lets hope I can atleast be healed if not cured... Hopefully both smile

I recently read a very amazing and inspiring article on a man who died from cancer, had an amazing near death experience, came back to life 1 hour and 30 mins later, changed his life and the cancer went into what the doctors called Spontaneous Remission (love doctors explanations lol ).

If this story is true then parts of his experience are similar to my experiences. So I'm trying to stay positive even when I don't get the results I wanted.

I am now using Visualization and meditation as my healing method at the moment. I remember Master lin talking about a man in china who healed himself from cancer by visualizing small dragons taking away his dark, sick energy. I have devised a meditation similar to this, but with my own imagery. I may do the proper SFQ techniques later but I just don't have the confidence they are working for me at the moment.

