Uly, I have learned so much from this thread and your posts. I owe you so much and am so grateful to you, I cannot begin to tell you. I wish I could you show you what you have taught me. This has been and continues to be a very important thread with a very deep and profound teaching. Thank you.

And I hear and feel your pain, Uly. It sounds like you have experienced a lot of pain and suffering. I feel for you. And I am sorry. I can imagine why you come to the conclusions you do.

And I just want to make it clear, that I do NOT believe that healing works only on the soul level.

Rather, I think it works on all levels. That has been my experience. The physical body is NOT "second class". In my humble opinion, this is a Western understanding, very dualistic and does not encompass the Dao, nor is encompassed by the Dao. The physical body is part of every experience. As is "spirit", as is "mind' as is "emotion".

However, if you are asking "does x work all the time, the same way for everyone?", with "x" being anything anyone wants to use as a variable (penicillin, qigong, acupuncture, chemotherapy, aspirin, whatever), then the answer will be "no". So if person "A" is looking for result "Q" from treatment "x", then the evidence is that there is NOTHING that works that way.

So, yes, if we assign, a particular result ("Q") to the word "healing" for a particular modality (and this can be ANY modality, but for the sake of your argument, let's say it is "energy healing" or "SFQ"), then yes, you have your answer and focusing on only result, the answer will have to be "no, this will not work for everyone". This is true. And the more I think about your original title of this thread, the more I realize how true what you have said is. You are correct: "Healing (whatever that means to the person assigning the value to the word) does NOT work for everybody!"

Also, you ask a good question when you ask "If we are here to heal the spiritual body and it doesn't matter about the physical body...?" etc. If that were so, and if that was what a person believed, then the conclusion of that "if, then" clause, would be correct, also: it would not matter what we do with the body.

But few if any on this forum or most people who practice energy healing, qigong, complimentary medicine, etc would say, "focus on the spiritual and forget about the body". That is a dualistic understanding and if I took that position, it would be a serious flaw in my thinking. So, I do not take that position.

Rather, I think that all of these things work together. And for some people (many, if not most), what will work best, is some combination of modern medicine, energy healing, psychological counseling, cognitive training, etc. I kind of go along with Ken Wilber's Integral understanding that we need to tackle, not only healing, but all things on life on AQAL -- All Quadrants, All Levels.

I just want to try and be as clear as possible here when I say this: while this may not give you any kind of instant results, it may help you a lot, long term, for you to focus on forgiveness: for yourself, first of all, and then for others.

And when you ask, "Where is a loving universe or a loving god in that???", you ask the perfect question. And here's the good/bad news: no one can really answer that question for anyone else. Or rather, whatever answer that someone gives, will not satisfy the person asking the question from that place. However, that question is really the perfect question, in a way. And the answer (for me) has been surprising and fascinating.

No once can blame you for the anger, or disappointment, or sadness, or fear, or whatever the dominant emotions you are experiencing in your life. I think almost anyone would feel something similar if they were in your shoes. From the little you have told us here, I think I would!

AND, focusing on forgiveness as much as possible, can help on AQAL. It can help spiritually AND physically, AND emotionally AND mentally. The understanding of these things as separate is arbitrary. There is absolutely no compelling evidence that these things are separate. Rather, they are part of a spectrum, a continuum.

You are in pain. And I (and others) will continue to send you healing energy of love, kindness, and forgiveness. And I say "amen" to your hope of getting your confidence back to practice SFQ and Tai Chi again. The "love" you felt doing the exercises and meditations, is indeed healing. On all levels. And who could blame you for your sense of loss and pain (and therefore, not experiencing this "love" of doing the exercises and meditations, as healing)?

Much healing to you, Uly. On ALL levels and in all quadrants.

