I think I have a site which would be interesting for you to explore. You seem to have enough experiences to grasp the information avaliable here. If you feel like, go visit

To make myself a little more open I would like to say that I have extensively used almost all tapes from LS, Both Sedona Freedom Now and Holistic releasing, Holosync (Inner circle member)and Zhineng Qigong (Chi-Lel)with more for some years. Some of the experiences I have had is truly remarkable from my point of view. I have tried some other stuff out there (like Jasmuheen)...

I used the Holosync long enough to want to have something more useful in my everyday life, as strong/effective but in my opinion more "handy" in everyday situations etc. I still endorse H/S but to me it became a little to boring to just sit still...
And I really recommend the Maharic Seal for protection and safe exploration with GC etc.

To further turn on the heat ;-), I would like to put out a warning about the teachings of Dr. Stone at MSLA, California. So many things came to insight after using the Maharic seal that I feel pity for the kindhearted people still in this "organisation", because they do not know better/ recieves the correct information. Really brainwashing as I see it. If you do NOT feel guided to explore these teachings from azuritepress, please remember that all guidance is unfortunately not for your longterm best... All my guides, angels, archangels etc disappered when using this technique (Maharic Seal), leaving me with myself again. So beware for what you call in. It can take some real long time before you again rediscover what their true intent was...

Feel free to respond!

He's just a guy trying to make a living off his personal transformational experience. This is the height of New Age adgenda. There's nothing wrong w/ what he's doing. Everyone is doing the same thing. I once went to see a holy man in Tiruvannamalai who lived on a veranda who blessed me greatly and another who just sits waiting for people. Someone asked him a question and when he answered that person, he looked at me & i suddenly felt a terrific jolt of energy shooting up both arms & culminating at the lower back of my skull. No money was involved. I just have a thing about workshops and what i call true spirituality My experience has been different. Not better, just different.

Here's what holy means to me: A person who is capable of knowing what i need prior to my knowing it and giving it to me w/o asking. Someone who can LITERALLLY change night into day & day into night. I have been healed in dreams. I was driving on a highway & came around a blind corner at 55 mph only to see a grey caddie directly in front of me. I suddenly felt myself flip out of my body at the chest area and next thing i know is i'm looking in the rear view mirror at the caddie still on my side of the road going around the corner. There were too many cars for it to get back in. Swami has saved my life a few times.

I once called Mother Meera (Limburgh) to ask for her help w/ a guy i work w/. His 13 month old son was dying and noone and nothing could help this baby. I asked him if he wanted me to call her. He said yes. On the day he was driving his son to the hospital, which he thought was it for this baby, i spoke to Mother & she said to take the baby to the hospital but that she would help. Well, by the time they got to the hospital, that baby was FINE. To this day, that baby is healthy. He was the weaker of twin boys. He had been sick for 3 months & had almost no weight or strength left in him.

Now these are just a couple things. Without any exaggeration on my part...stuff like this is on-going in my life w/ Swami and Mother. Yet there are plenty of people out there slandering them both. I have my personal experiences and that's it. I have seen Swami raise some woman who had been dead for 30 minutes...& in Andhra heat that is something. She just got up and walked away.

[This message has been edited by Margaret (edited May 23, 2002).][/B][/QUOTE]