From many years of doing both Holosync & SFQ I can say for me,it is best to keep them seperate. I am on the Flowering Levels now and find myself more and more disinterested in Holosync. While doing the Awakening and Purification Levels my life changed for the better in many ways. Now I'm pretty happy all the time except when I choose to blow a gasket. My experience is that doing Holosync, you tend to blow off alot of mental mass(for lack of a better word). This is just stuck energy that gets freed up and blows off. I agree with Master Lin, in Level 2, when you remove energy from the body, you have to replace it. By practicing SFQ exercises you are able to replace this energy and message with something much more beneficial.

If someone were to practice anything with Holosync, I would recommend The Sedona Method or Release Technic developed by Lester Levenson. Once you have Holosync'd/released and waited the prescribed 1/2 hour, then practice SFQ to refill your energy tank.

There were many times going through holosync where you meet shadow's and things that releasing didn't work on and the only you could do was persist; SFQ gave me the energy to do that.

Many people seem to have stopped Holosync at Awakening 4 and gone onto SFQ full time. I promised myself to follow through and feel it has been worth it. The cost seemed minimal for the benefits and stability in my life. Every level seemed to present me with new challenges in life, forcing me to grow to overcome them.

Growth presents you with many uncomfortable challenges and you have to deal with them. remember what growing up as a kid was like? Uncertainty, bullies,big nasty people, made to do things you didn't like or know how to deal with. You get thrown in the lake and it's sink or swim. Holosync forces you to grow. You don't know how but you WILL deal with it. It magnifies the truth and lets the falsehoods fall away.

SFQ is a lifetime practice that gives you those things that we all need. Love, Forgiveness & Kindness. Not to mention good health and being able to help your friends & family.

That's my experience of 8 plus years.
