Not the same, but very similar effects. I have found that when I keep my practice in SFQ (including the meditation) regular, I need less sleep. I am diagnosed with sleep apnea. And I do not have great sleep habits (still working on those using various means, including Natural Brilliance and Paraliminals!).

However, quite often, instead of the migraines I used to get, or if I start to get one, i do some meditation and I am fine.

Master Lin likes to joke that although he sleeps only about 2-3 hours a night, he meditates about 6 hours or more a day. And since according to many studies, 10 minutes of deep meditation can substitute for an hour of sleep, he is actually "sleeping" more than all of us! wink

Here's the key: the practice does not have to be long, but it should be as regular as possible. And then you can always supplement with a few minutes here and there. A half hour is a very good practice, but even 10 minutes a day can help a lot.

You will be amazed!

