Although I am not cpw1, I can give you my perspective on Sonic Access. Each CD is somewhat self-contained, and each one is about an hour. There is optional music at the end of each session.

It is kind of like taking a mini-retreat in a way. I did find I had some success with it, but due to my ADHD and OCD, I found it hard to always keep the instructions, although there is not that much. But the whole, "orient to the proper direction" and putting affirmations or image on the wall, although I did it, I never really kept them fresh.

I still like them. I have not used them in at least a year, maybe 2, but at the time I got them, I really liked them a lot and would often do one a day, depending on what I needed that day.

I think of them more along the lines of "spiritual entertainment". At one point, I had the thought that for the same hour, I could be watching some DVD, or playing on the computer. The Sonic Access felt more productive, and yet still entertaining, so I often felt like I was making the "strengthening decision" (in the words of Mark Joyner) to choose the Sonic Access over other forms of distraction. It made sense to me on a logical level, as well as a feeling level, because it was AT LEAST entertaining and relaxing, and then it could be up from there: i.e. enlightening, educational, motivational, etc.

I think of the Paraliminals in a similar way, but somehow I think I may get a bit more bang for the buck with them.

Since LSC has a pretty good return policy, you could "test drive" and try it for yourself.

