Hello all!

We had an interesting question from one of our Pathway participants and Jeddah's response is equally intriguing.

The question was, if discomfort and pain for humans is a course correction tool asking us if we want to continue what we're doing, what does pain mean to animals? If they've got a trauma or illness and feel pain, what is that telling them?

Here is Jeddah's response:

"It’s completely different for animals in pain. Their pain comes from illness and inflicted wounds, not from thought patterns. They don’t think about pain or develop a story line about it and certainly don’t use it to reinforce the notion of lack or wrong. So they don’t need to adjust their response. It is already programmed into them how to respond to pain. They always respond appropriately and take whatever action is required to help themselves – such as limit movement, eat certain plants etc. They are, like greater Awareness, self-healing, self-aligning, self-balancing. Humans could learn so much from the acceptance and graciousness that animals bring to illness and pain."

There's some food for thought!

With love,