Hi Tularosa!

You are absolutely right that the physical body (and any “dis-ease” that we experience while in physical form) is a mirror of our thoughts, beliefs, intentions, or general attitude and the choices we have made because of those.

I don’t know if you have the Embracing Freedom course yet, but in Meditation 5 on the Physical Body, Jeddah addresses this very articulately. She emphasizes that we need to remember we are a physical manifestation that is housed within the energy of awareness (and not the other way around). Within this context, we recognize that when we practice holding states of kindness, love and compassion towards the physical body, these will register not only in our energy bodies, but also in the structure and cells of the physical body. This energetic expansion is analogous to the life force energy that expands as you work with qigong or yoga. The more expanded it is, the more that vital flow will be activated.

The physical body gives us a wonderful opportunity to experience very graphically the direct correlation between our attitudes and thoughts and the outcomes we receive. For many people, illness is the outcome that finally makes them stop, reflect on what’s going on and set off in a completely different direction than the one they had been pursuing. Talk about the ultimate course correction tool!

One other aspect that you might find interesting in light of the exhaustion you indicate you feel is that it takes an incredible amount of energy to swim against the flow. As you start to reintegrate your physical body with the energy in which it exists, you access a limitless source of energy and expansion. This reunification with the sea of awareness allows us to open to the light, harmony, love and beauty which has been waiting patiently for us to step fully into the present moment and recognize what we already are!

Lots of love to you,