It was with hindsight that I realised how much Natural Brilliance impacted my life at the time. It triggered me to go to the US and become a PhotoReading instructor. Something my old self would never have done given the circumstances I was in at the time. Then to travel to the first retreat that gave me more leverage and the Abundance For Life course covers the material I learned there.

Funny thing about the Natural Brilliance course. Even though I did it and followed the course for two weeks initially listening to each Paraliminal in sequence and then the generator morning and night for a week. I didn't see any change in me. It's like I was my old familiar self. Like the comfortable clothes I wore were as comfortable as ever. It's only looking back to find when I changed because others were telling me I had that I found it.

That happens to me often when I use a Paraliminal. I'm now 100% certain I benefit every time. Although it may not appear that way at the time. As it doesn't always play out the way I expect it or the other people seemed to have changed and I didn't have to play the role. Maybe they sensed a change in me and changed?

So now when I listen to Paraliminals I am curious to see what the gift holds. As with many gifts they don't always create enthusiastic feelings when you first see them yet in hindsight they turn out practical.
