Think of it this way. Whenever you meet someone new you want them to like you. Right? So you need to sell the idea you are a likeable person. Everyday we are selling our ideas to others.

If you want to go to a new restaurant and are asking your friends to come along you're selling an idea. Now with friends it's easier because you know them and intuitively know how to say it so you usually put it the right way.

If you're meeting someone new, someone you admire or the boss, you don't know yet if they like you and then want to make a presentation (even just opening your mouth to say something more than hello, to connect with them) You are initiating a sale.

One problem with selling is you need confidence if you're not sure 'they' like you it weakens your confidence. So Sales Leap focuses on your confidence in selling and every idea you put across to someone else is a sales offer.
