Alex, I was wondering if using the ones you suggested is better than using the sonic access for relationships PL? And if I use the PLs you suggest am I using the same intention/purpose for all

i.e. I'm using Personal Mag, Talking2 Win, C Sparks, New Behavior and self-esteem all with this intention/purpose:
I will boldly-easily and confidently approach women
that Iam attracted to while talking to women I will
maintain eye contact and smile a lot being very
relaxed, calm, flirty, alluring and charismatic. I
will strike up the right conversation being very
witty and intelligent, asking any questions I want
with powerful confidence. I will leave a lasting
impression by just being myself.

Should I listen to all the PL's with this same intention/purpose? And can I listen to them all in the same day? I have Sonic Access also, should I use my intention/purpose with SA 4 Relationships?
I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to get to the point where I see someone that I'm attracted to and without thinking I can walk right up to her and start talking. I know the PLs will help because they have helped me with so many other things.