At some point in your relationships, you allowed yourself to be where you are in those relationships. You can work with that piece. That is your karma so to speak. Your friends have a relationship with you, as well as other people and things. That involves their karma, and if they chose to work with it, it's their work not yours. As a spiritual advisor, you can help them with their work.
I would like to share with you my sense of what a spiritual advisor would be. You would have a lifestyle practice/self practice that helps develop all your primary energy centers. A good spiritual advisor has worked with and developed to a higher degree, their higher centers, the heart chakra/middle dan tien/or message center, as well the third eye center. Those centers being open and developed, are relative to your foundational centers being developed as well. As a spiritual advisor, you should have a somewhat developed sense of intuition. You should be able to see the energy to things. You should have an ability to have dialog with spirit. It would be difficult to assume the role of spiritual advisor, if these pcs are missing or not realized, or not being nutured or developed. One doesn't have to be a master to help, but one should be engaged with all the pcs involved and evolving through experience doing this work, as well as having a lifestyle practice that supports this work.

"Anyway, how can forgiving a person that has done something that some people would consider pure evil and not ever worth forgiving, help? That is the big question I would like to know the answer to."

I would answer this, but my answer would appear as my specific beliefs, not the truth for everyone. There is one truth to everything. There is a source aspect of truth that is very pure. One comes to better know or realize this, again, through one's self practice and evolution within that practice.

If you have the ability to work with your relations as a spiritual advisor, transform the energy of this. You would have the means to approach that and work with it. If not, exercise some humility, apologize for not being able to function in that role, and step out of it. Forgive yourself, forgive them. If they have issue with that, it is their issue, not yours. If you want to be a spiritual advisor, get a daily practice going that helps you realize that. Experiential learning is very important.

There is, a great opportunity for you to learn in your current situation. It is helpful to view what/whom you are working with, having difficulty with, as being great wisdom teachers for you. Be open to that wisdom , and it will help you to stay positive in working with it, transforming it. It can become very positive, versus being a perceived problem or annoyance to be in reaction to. In reaction, you lose sight to what you actually are working with.