Hey Steevo (another Steve O or Steve E. - since that is my middle initial, here),

I can relate. Big time. Having similar issues. Spring Forest Qigong helps me most of all.

Nevertheless, I still have similar "stuckness" in the areas of depression/procrastination/withdrawal/lack of motivation.

Let me preface the following with the caveat that I do not own the Accelerator program, but I am familiar with the principles behind it, and sort of have come up with my own version of it based on the same thing: i.e. pick some goal and run it through my whole Paraliminal library (I don't have all of them, but I have about 27, plus the ones that are included in the Natural Brilliance course).

I have found that (for me), it does help to try (and I admit, it is very hard for me, for the same reasons it is for you: because I have the same problems across the board!) and focus on a specific issue.

For example, I will often focus on my time management issues. So, I will try something like visualizing me being on time to all appointments. Or getting my next project done on time. Or a specific project like working on a webpage, podcasts, writing etc.

The reason this works better, is because it is easier to see progress with a set goal.

There is one thing I see in almost all self-improvement/self-help/success oriented programs and philosophies: we have to have a specific target or goal. We have to know what we want. And I can relate that this is hard for people like you or me.

So, to start with something small, or pick one area where we can see SOMETHING that we know we want to change (weight loss, more energy, a specific doable, provable increase income, etc) is very helpful. Again, at least for me. YMMV.

I have recently "dusted off" (well, literally, actually!) my Paraliminals and loaded a bunch of them onto my iPod. As well as the Natural Brilliance course (this for me has helped me a lot and it includes a bunch of Paraliminals; albeit without any Holosync tech, that support this simple four-step method of "Release, Notice, Respond and Witness"). And picking something specific has at least helped me relax better into the meditation/session.

Just pick something...anything and don't worry about it.

IMHO, I think the answer to your first question in your penultimate paragraph is yes: you can get good results using the method you do. And it probably will work even better by focusing a bit and picking one thing to focus on.
You could just continue from where you are, and just think of your view (using film language) as "a wide or establishing shot" and now focusing on a "close-up" or at least a "medium shot".

For your last quoted example, "getting started effortlessly on my most important tasks", just pick one for now. Pick one that you know you will be able to tell the difference. Again, don't start over, just bless the work you have done, and now use it to focus. Have that be part of what is changing. By your very asking the question here, it shows that you have energy that is moving, so it is working!

Anyway, for what it's worth...

