Seetvo, mixed results are a good indicator that something is happening so, will it work for you? Yes by the looks so far it is. You've had these challenges for a long time, you're using the Paraliminals to modify the habit of many days and years overnight. Some days you will feel like it's the same old and nothings changed and on others the world becomes your oyster.

What you are aiming to do is experience more of those days where the world is your oyster.

But what I call the "habits of depression," procrastination and so on, largely remain.

This to me speaks volumes. It's almost as if you are proud of having this habit. You've given it such a strong label. Now that you've identified it so clearly it would be a good time to decide whether you want to keep the habit. Or address it more directly with Break the Habit Paraliminal perhaps?

When you think of the "habit of depression" give some time to the preferred habit you might replace it with.

I think some things are good to procrastinate on. Like the habit to procrastinate lighting a cigarette to pouring the 5th strong drink are good procrastination habits or eating a second dessert?

So perhaps changing the habit of procrastination of choosing my actions wisely? New History Generator.

You are getting mixed results. I think is excellent because it gives you more opportunities to learn and while learning Recognising what is working and what is not. Not complacently falling into another imperfect habit which works well for a while, like depression did and then interferes in other areas of your life. With mixed results you learning to take each moment and opportunity as a new experience.

I recommend keep going as you have been. When you have done the full Paraliminal Accelerator you can look back and know there has been a shift for the better. A shift that is more certain if you persist rather than letting self doubt take over.
