Hi Sheryll and Waterbird!

For me the intention is nothing without the willingness to allow it to happen – that would be like imagining something but not allowing the space for it to enter. This doesn’t feel to me like a forceful attempt to make or not make something happen (as in will power – “I’m going to MAKE this happen by hook or by crook!"), but more of an allowing. This openness of being willing is not contrived, but is a natural, spontaneous expansion that allows me to truly surrender to the present moment and allow the space for awareness to follow my energetic focus and intention.

As I tend to channel everything through my head, my biggest challenge with Jeddah’s teachings has been not intellectualizing them, but allowing myself to experience them. The more facility I have developed with this, the easier it has been for me to spontaneously trust and open to whatever process I am experiencing. These are definitely not intended to be mental exercises, but to be experiential learnings that lead not to a specific destination but to a state of being that includes the spontaneous joy you mention.

As I continue to use the tools I am more and more consistently experiencing the light, harmony and expansion that come to culmination and fruition in Infinite Grace. I am definitely not there all the time, but I find it happening more and more spontaneously.

Trust the process!

Lots of love,