Limiting beliefs, wow!
Well a limiting belief is everything that you accept and take for granted. The human being is full of limiting beliefs from Christianity, Islam and whatever religion you can think of. However, in order to erase limiting beliefs you have to question them look for their respective emptiness and begin to forge a new set of beliefs that will replace the one that existed, if needed. Religion is the major forger and creator of limiting beliefs. It you take for example, the seven deadly sins, they are limiting beliefs. You cannot love beauty, you cannot eat well, you cannot have desire, etc, etc, etc. If you violate them you go straight to hell. Also, you take the writings of Augustine of Hippo which became the church canonical laws and tenements try to find logic and reason within them and you will end up empty handed. To discard all those limiting beliefs takes a while, specially if you do not analyze them and voluntarily discard them.

I am no here to create a discussion about the validity of religion, that is left to you reader as a personal discussion with yourself.

As long as people function in an automatic mode, limiting beliefs will surface here and there at the least expected moment and place. When they surface, they have to be dealt with brutal honesty and analyze them dispassionately.