I need to make a job move by May and was wondering if Photoreading, Genius Code, or Abundance for Life would be able to help me within that time frame. I'm not happy in my current work environment and will need to retool to find another job. I'll need to be able to get up to speed as quickly as possible. From what I can see in the forums, each of these courses will take quite a bit of time in their own right before their implementation can actually become practical. Considering that I have two months before my target date, which of these courses, if any will be of help? I don't want to be in a situation where I've dedicated time and effort to a program only to find that it's not working yet and I'm no closer to my goal than when I started.

A secondary goal is to ultimately be able to support myself from my investments. When my brother lost his job he dedicated himself to learing about the stock market and has been living off his investments for the past year and a half. He's not exactly rolling in it, but he's getting by. I'm a novice at it, but I've recently taken some investment courses. I had to open my account with the minimum balance to get started, but I've begun to see some progress.

Will any of the aforementioned courses or a paraliminal help or do you think I would be better off dedicating my time in a more direct pursuit of my goals? I really need to make some kind of move by May.

Thank you,

[This message has been edited by Texas Bob (edited March 07, 2005).]