Dear Photoreaders,

Let me share with you how I became aware of the unconscious minds power. After just 3 days at the Photoreading seminar I tested myself to 14 books in a couple days, which I activated 3/4th of books. Incredibly, after a day dream I was onto acknowledging that dreams exist and are practicle in a conscious state.

The benefits are extremely important through the whole mind system, as I recognized that reading was so effortful. Now, I have wise intuition about what I want to read if I ever have to go into the book. The speed reading technique is very useful. I also like skittering.

The most important discovery I noticed is that patience is a virtue, and that this process needs to be enjoyed. Play to have fun at all times! There is always a way to find a quiet time to relax and kick back to photoread. I live half the time alone, and half the time with family. So when I'm not tested by people what I know, I grab a tape recorder or webcam and record my activation live. After watching the video I'm certain what areas need improvement.

I'm looking forward to get the Paraliminals to intensify the experience. I have heard one already from the seminars in Pasadena during November. I wonder if anyone will know the instructor as he was a great person, he's name Emilio Estefan.

The things that I think are major in my learning experience:
-getting a clarity on surveying without to much hassel.
-letting trigger words hit spontaneously.
-and quickly reviewing headings, titles, and bullets.
-Mind Probing with positive and empowering questions
-Mind Mapping the main Concept, and Understanding
Rapid Reading
-My goal is fast, efficient, enjoyable pace. I want to get the most important ideas, concepts, main thoughts, and feelings.

Now, that I have put the momentum forward with my experience, I wish the same for all you who come across this post. Please, add a thought. I would appreciate your friendship.

Thanks, and Congrats!