My dear friend you are just getting married! Forget about making money and just enjoy the ride. From your posting it seems that you values everything in dollars and cents. What is the worth of having millions and no time to enjoy it with your loved ones. Look for a balance in life, for me having time for enjoyment is as important as having or making money. The most important time of my day is when I get home and enjoy a cup of coffee with my wife, no cell no knocking in door no nothing just me and her! Why? Because it is priceless.

When you go through a financial crisis and all hell breaks lose is when you see the real worth of life. A real wife will stick with you and will help you bailing out. While the one that pretends to be a wife will evaporate as money evaporates.

There is a secret in life, the really great and enjoyable things in life are priceless because they cannot be bought with money!

Remember that and you will see money coming into you with enough time to enjoy it!