Hi to Wendy and anyone else reading this. Earlier in the year I posted a question about my 'Kundalini Awakening' experience and in case anyone has wondered what happened next, I'd like to feedback on how this has affected me and some of my permanent changes from the transformation. I had, previously to this, often experienced major energy shifts and momentary realisations which had both encouraged me on my journey to the self and also frustrated me with their ephemeral nature. I had also devoted many years to my spiritual seeking. After my 'awakening' whilst listening to a Jeddah recording, I came into a full realisation that my journey was over and I was 'home'. Still, I was the same person, same shadows to be dealt with, same likes and dislikes, but powerfully and fundamentally I felt home. I still feel like this and now life is no longer a journey but a great unfolding which seems to progress much faster and with greater ease. Because I no longer have a journey I can no-longer resist it either! Everything feels possible but I am in no hurry to get there because simultaneously I experience that there is nowhere to get and nothing to learn. I still want to raise my frequency in several areas of my life but from quite a different perspective. Frequently I laugh at my mind's desire to start running less than useful thoughts and then I witness an automatic shutdown of those thoughts by some internal process. It seems that gradually my mind is losing more and more of its power to overwhelm me and be in control. Daily, I feel like I'm in a vortex of increased self knowing and conscious awareness. The name Pathway to Enlightenment has certainly lived up to its name for me, I trust that it will for you all too.