I value Abundant Financial Freedom. Why? So I can contribute more money and energy to my husband, family and community. There is no greater value in playing small. I have fun and exciting relationship with myself, God, family, nature, colleagues and others and so now my husband and I are going for Financial Freedom so we can truly live with freedom of time, mobility and money and work because we want to not because we need to survive or just pay the bills. Freedom to enjoy life together because we have escaped corporate. Ask more and give more. We are entrepreneurs and we enjoy having a great lifestyle and giving money to help. If you want more money, give money. If you want more time, give time. Give what you desire. If you want to watch more TV, keep buying the new TV...etc...

My intention is to create wealth and freedom and is there $ values to them? Of course! It's mind boggling how people will specify how much weight they want to lose but not how much money they want to create and attract. Even Paul coaches us to be SPECIFIC on how much do you want create and attract for example by Specifically stating "Creating Millionaire Net Worth" in the Intro CD. Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Napoleon Hill, James Arthur Ray, Joe Vitale, Catherine Ponder and more coaches us to come up with specific amount of money we desire. When I was broke I asked to earn $100,000 a year income from work and received it fully! When I asked for amazing health and energy, to be debt free, live close to the beach, have an amazing destination wedding and honeymoon, jobs to all my family members, we received them all and more. So, I truly believe in the process of manifestation. Abundant love and romance, amazing health and energy, wealth and freedom is what I desire and yes I know how much I intend to create.

Most people see money as not as important, no wonder they don't have more of it. If someone view his/her partner or lover as not very important, he/she won't stay. Same with money and abundance. Your money blueprint that directs your behavior toward earning, keeping, growing, and giving money. Money is a result. Your weight is a result. Your sex life is a result. Money is energy and you either attract it more or not based on your blueprint.

So I appreciate your comments. I can only speak from my own experience. You are speaking from your own experience. I will keep my intentions and all the amazing experiences that I will experience with all the money and abundance I create:-)

Thank you.

Create your life!

PS: I'm now on Day 12 Sales Leap and my belief to create more wealth and freedom in my life is more real than ever! I've more energy, waking up earlier even on my days off, exercising every day, feel more confident & happier, have more romance, follow-through more, my net worth has also increased since Day 1 and received two unexpected check$ in the mail. I am a money magnet!