Who say's you've failed at self improvement?

Who say's you need self improvement?

Who says you are not where you should be?

Who do you compare yourelf with to answer these questions?

Advertising has successfully made us feel like inferiour human beings when we don't live in the right kind of house, don't drive the right car, Don't holiday in all the right places.

Worse of all advertising has made us feel like we don't have a life because we are too busy working to afford all the right stuff that we should have, do and be.

Advertising works by making a product first and then fueling a demand. And do you know the rule of advertising? If the product is just doesn't meet the 7 basic human needs you have to make it fit one of those 7 human needs. One of the human needs is to procreate... so cars and soft drinks are positioned as enhancers for sex appeal. Now if you're not driving the right car or drinking the right soft drink you don't have sex appeal. The second rule in advertising is don't make it obvious how the product is being position other wise human logic will reject it outright.

Okay the reason for my talk on advertising...

You were sold the idea that you're not good enough not allowed to let life begin until you've got everything right.

By accepting all that you created your reality.

Heck... just your downer thoughts as you've explained on the forum are creating exactly what you don't want... more of the same feeling that you still have to fix everything until you "May" start your life.

When you start lifing your life, what is that going to look like? what will you be doing? This is difficult I know because most of the stuff we say we want we are not even sure we want them because we were sold on them. I mean the idea of living on an island sounds great but first we have to have 'got it made.' But dumb when you consider people are lifing on islands earning a heck of a lot less and enjoying being unencumbered by posssessions enjoying the surf and beaches.

So you need to ask yourself what you really want

Then ask yourself, is it true that you have to fix something before you can start living the life you would enjoy.
