Thanks to all for your replies. I really appreciate you taking the time to respond. I realize that I'm working through a battle of the mind right now, whether it be resistance or some other label is subject to debate. All I know is that I've worked very hard at my job, my education, and personal development and am still just trying to eke out a meager subsistence.

What do I want? How about plumbing that works, a floor without holes in it. Being able to go to the dentist. Sheets for my bed. Heat in the winter. Air conditioning in my car. To have a home that I'm not ashamed for a visitor to see. Maybe even some money in the bank for an eventual retirement. That's not unreasonable is it?

Basically, I would like to be able to afford to resolve issues as they arise. To be able to enjoy a quality of life by knowing that I have the available cash flow to do what I need, and on occasion to even do what I want.

Am I an introvert wanting to be more of an extrovert? Sure. I enjoy the company of good people and want to be able to share my life with others. I do have a problem with opening my life as it is right now, and there has been a history of fear of rejection as a result. I'm great once I get to know someone, I just feel like I need to have something to offer.

As for the Prosperity tape, I listen to it regularly. As you can probably surmise, it's not working. I'm considering buying the new CD with Holosync and HOPING that it will work. Another paraliminal I'm wondering about is Automatic Pilot. I searched the forum and it doesn't really have much to say about it. Or maybe New History Generator?

I'm just a little bit cautious about the new holosync paraliminals though. I experienced a lot of overwhelm when I was doing the Centerpointe Holosync tapes. I know it doesn't affect everyone the same way, however.

Ultimately, what I'm trying to accomplish is a higher quality of life and enough money to be there. I use the word "be" rather than "get" because it seems I'm constangly striving. It would be so nice to be able to just be for a change. It's like the commercial for the alternative energy companies where you keep seeing the price go up even as you're already on your way. I've been looking forward to the day I might arrive for so long, that I wonder if the trip is worth the passage any more.