

The very first thing you want to do is decide if you want to learn xml or html, which my opinion is redudant now days because of programs such as Adobe fireworks or what have you that do all that for you..I'm all about learning things, but would you rather work harder or smarter? I always choose the later.

Like you I only read "how to" book and VERY techincal material, mostly related to network security. What I do is I try to photoread the book as a whole first, then if that does give me what I need I will do the following.

Treat each chapter as a different book, so I would prepare, preview, photoread, postview then activate that chapter, till the end of the book. Now at this point the material never did not "gel" for me, but if for example it didn't I would rapid read the entire book.

Hope this helps,

If you have more specific questions feel free to shoot me a email.