Hi Catalina

Thank you so much for your wonderful connection. I was looking up stories about Mary Magdalene on Integral Life and suddenly could feel that there was a hugely warm response waiting for me on this blog! I did write my article just in case anyone would benefit from an update and I'm so pleased to hear back from you. I note that you posted at 6.42 and after 742 views - 42 has been a hugely significant number in my life this year. I had known for about a year and a half that I'd get some kind of massive shift when I turned 42 yrs and 3 months, so I decided to not miss the chance and I worked very long hours in meditation to keep myself focused on my goal. On one hand I thought that such a big shift was likely to happen randomly and I didn't want to focus on it yet I also wanted to achieve exactly that goal (whilst knowing that I couldn't really know in advance what that would be!).
Just another person's experience to show that there's infinite variety and we each grow in our own way.
And for the record - my shadow side does regularly raise its ugly head and disrupt my life. The difference now is that it's more like an errant shopping trolley that I can't control rather than an aspect of me.
I've really loved the invitation to share as I don't talk about this with anyone here in ChCh.
Have a wonderful New Year and many, many blessings to you.
much love, jane