The Feeling Exercise as developed by Arnold Patent and used with permission in the AFL course has been used as a method for expanding to a state of consciousness and bliss, no matter what you are experiencing. Practicing appreciation for whatever feelings we are experiencing in the moment, right here, right now, in this very body, is the place of our power: the Power and Presence of the Universe. In this way, feeling fully our Now moment raises our energetic state and allows us to ride that energy as it flows along. It is normal to start with labels and judgements about the feelings at first, but as we focus on the qualities of those feelings, like color, temperature, texture and size, etc and then move on to the energetic vibration of the feeling (because the vibration is always there if you feel your way toward it) we will drop the labels and judgements only to come into a feeling of fullness with that energy, our energy, our power. Continuing to practice this exercise will bring about profound states of high energetic fullness. Other programs have been based on this process exclusively and is a key component of AFL, happy hunting in reclaiming your power!

Last edited by thaffner; 12/31/10 04:10 PM.