Thanks Alex and French Claire for your replies as they were appreciated!

I will start a journal even though it initially feels strange writing thoughts down which are deeply personal (and can be read by others). And then there is the fact of knowing what exactly to write.. I will work on that one.

I have decided to start the course again (again), and this time I have photocopied the course material so I can write and rewrite whenever without ruining the course manual. I started again because it feels as though i have run too fast for my effortless success feet. Repetition is the mother of skill after all...

I will keep track of exactly what i need to do each day and how, starting with the create your day and daily review, and build upon that. Thanks for that suggestion French Claire

Also, while copying the manual, i found the index pages which alphabetically lists all the course exercises/mediations and where to find them on the cd's. Very cool.

Thanks again for your replies.