Happy Spring everyone! After the first round of PA which took me few months to complete, I am starting second round today with more clarity and consistency. My experience reveal that using and applying Paraliminals will take new habits and actions for me to reach my financial freedom goals. New habits I've implemented since using PA are: daily studying of personal development, tracking my daily behaviors and habits when it comes to health, money and relationships, increasing my net worth by increasing investments and savings, giving money regularly to charities and family, helping others achieve success and good health, and increased awareness, inner peace and happiness. There were days when I felt mentally and emotionally drained and so I rested and took breaks from using Paraliminals for couple or even few days. It felt like my mind, body and spirit needed time to assimilate and digest the new things my subconscious is absorbing through the Paraliminals.

This time, my One Goal for PA is focused on building my business to help people which will in turn bring me the increased income through the value I deliver. I used to be so focused on the $ amount which I still do write but this time I'm focusing on building the vehicle at which money and opportunities will flow. I realized that having my career now is great but I will need to become a great entrepreneur to achieve financial freedom and wealth.

Thank you! I will keep you posted and share your journey too!

PS: I use The Compound Effect and Living Your Best Life books and journal daily by Darren Hardy of Success Magazine as an adjunct to PA. My daily habits and behavior must support what I'm learning through PA. I've spent thousands in books and courses and I can attest that those books have been the best for me when it comes to cementing daily success habits. I believe that my success in health, marriage, family, career, money, spirituality, and business is what I attract for the person I become through daily habits. Thank you.