It hasn't been too long since I did an updated dowsing of my home. Lately things in my life have been not going so well, I noticed a change in how I felt and how others were behaving and talked a little about how the earthquake had affcted the world. I have had trouble at work, felt personally troubled, stuck in my work or how I progressed in almost everything and my sleep patterns have been erratic at best. I have had headaches, stressed out and tired! I even tried to check it off as the power of the "Super Moon" (which I'm sure contributed to it). FINALLY, TODAY I thought "I haven't checked geopathic stress since the earthquake" Sure enough I had FOUR new geopathic stress lines. I just got done curing them and I feel better already! I can't wait to see how good I sleep tonight. One of them was right across my pillows! So I would suggest that everyone check geopathic if you haven't already done it!