Hi all. I find myself here again adding to my story. Interestingly the earthquake that devastated ChCh, and centred just near my house, was 42 kilo tons. What is it with 42! Also, I had dreamt this quake, location and first aftershock almost exactly as it happened and even more vividly than in 'reality'. I didn't get the date and so didn't warn anyone, but still am noticing how my dreams are far more consious now. I often feel like I meditate through my sleep and even wake-up, excited, with a new realisation. It seems to be more and more, a constant flow.
much love, jane
If anyone wanted to ask me more details or wanted to privately share their experiences, I can be contacted via my website Equiliibrium.net.nz

Last edited by Jane Grofski; 03/28/11 09:45 AM.