Hi, Wendy,

Thanks for sharing this. I have listened to this meditation many, many times. It was what convinced me to go ahead and get Jeddah's meditation disks.

Thanks for your reply. I didn't realise you had done so because every time I checked in to the Forum I saw only 1 next to this post.

Has Jeddah said anything in particular about healing for Japan and New Zealand? I know in general she says not to address what's happening as if it were a 'problem' but just to hold our beautiful earth planet in our healing love and light. But if there's more we can do, I'd like to know about it.

Which brings me to another question. Do you know if Jeddah will be giving a retreat or recorded lessons for healing in particular? For people and situations as well as for the earth?

Thanks, again, Wendy. Always good to hear from you.

