Dear Shawn:

It was Darcie who coached me. She has always had a special and wonderful effect on me when she leads the meditations. The session was extremely helpful. However she said to embrace the pain and welcome it, telling it to bring it on. I tried to do that but it has changed since I spoke with her, and become overwhelming and is preventing me from being functional,sleeping and so on. i now fear the telephone meditations. The pains don't come every time. I do the reverse breathing. When I do small universe, which Darcie encouraged me to do a lot of, and I have been, I feel the qi moving from point to point, I see violet and sometimes a bit of gold around the outskirts, and when I breathe using all my skin and in the reverse form, some days I feel the qi moving into the electrical current pain from my feet to my waist. Sometimes it is unbearable--feels like I'm getting a shock and it will keep repeating. It has come on the last few evenings at dinner time and continues on and off all night, ending in the morning. Darcie said when I can't sleep to do small universe and when the pains are not so bad I stop but can do it all the way, it helps me feel less awful and more balanced when the new day dawns.

At this point I am walking with a cane and having a lot of difficulty walking, standing and I now do active exercises sitting even though I never feel this electrical current pain when I am standing. I can't stand up for too long without losing my balance as my legs are weak now.

I have always added the tapping of the tailbone after active exercises which is mentioned in the manual but now I will do it more as you recommend.

I appreciate your response (and the one from remedios) and I am going to take what you've both said and try to follow your advice and keep trying and not give up yet. I want to thank you for taking the time to respond.

Last edited by Trixie; 04/04/11 01:42 AM. Reason: I forgot to add a line.