I'm not sure about your experiences, but I've interpreted the feelings to be physical feelings, not emotional ones. I work as a tour guide on long tours, and my employer wants me to rest for 30 minutes or more and each of my two stops on a 14 hour tour to get rested for the return trip.

I simply scan my body for a physical feeling, while leaning back in a reclining seat on the bus. Then I find whatever physical feeling I experience, and follow the directions. I normally have my eyes closed during this process, and within minutes, have lost consciousness. I wake up at the end of the session refreshed, realizing that I've been "under" for some time. Sometimes I may be aware of the paraliminals, but don't focus on them, just letting them happen.

I like this feeling exercise so much, that I use it regularly while on a break on tour, and have just ordered the Ultimate You Library of paraliminals. I can't wait for them to arrive.

Good luck, and focus on the physical feelings, not your emotions, and I think this will work better for you!