Welcome. Congratulations on making the choice to help you maintain a more healthy lifestyle for yourself and others. If I had one suggestion right off the bat, it would be: stay open, learn, practice, practice, practice, learn, and practice some more--repeat until mastery.

On a more serious note, I would say that when practicing, empty your focus from the thoughts in your mind and just allow yourself to feel the energy flow. Don't worry about if you are doing the movements right in the beggining stages. The energy flow of Qi--spirit energy, is based of intent and focus. So having the right attitude is going to help you a trillion times more than worrying if you are standing correctly. As long as you are open and 'free-flowing' (not tense) and have the intention to learn and open your energy to a new experience and flow, you can't go wrong.

I'm sure there's much more input that our other members would like to share. If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask.
