Welcome, Jaya!

You've got the intent to spread love and healing energy. That's a HUGE start--much more than the 'techniques' or stances...

As for your response...Try this exercise.

Sit in a comfortable position, or even lie down, it'll probably be easier to lie down, but choose which feels best.

Become quiet, and let all of your body relax. Let your emotions and mind relax. Visualize your thoughts and feelings them as a field of light that is calming down, into a smooth, continuous and effortless flow... (repeat anytime you find yourself 'distracted by them' --this trains the mind to keep them smooth, so don't worry if you find you are distracted in the beginning stages; also in more advanced stages, you still might have to do this, not because it's getting 'worse' but because you are noticing it more--so you can resolve these wandering thoughts/feelings)

Let everything become quiet and smooth, quiet and smooth...
Then, when calm, imagine the whole Universe as a vast array of energies, (use whatever visualization or feelings come up) when you intend to join with the Universe, the Universe joins with you (even if you think you aren't merged with it, due to distractions, etc.. and actually you are perfectly one with the universe already)

Anyways, with the intention to join with the Universe...imagine or feel your energy and all the energy blending *with* you and you with it....and you both become emptiness together.

This emptiness, is not nothingness as the ego-mind would fear it be. Rather it is the space between all atoms where potentials arise and collapse into waves of energy.

Somewhere in your blending, visualize and feel your arms reaching up for the galaxies, reclaiming any energy you have scattered out in the symbolic Universe. Feel your arms and shoulder channels complete open and heal. Make the intention to have full use of your body. See yourself doing things with your renewed limbs, like jump-rope, moving furniture, or even climbing a mountain. Feel how wonderful it is to be in these states. Thank your Soul and the Source for being of Mind and purely of Mind. And knowing that the mental knowledge of not being able to use your limbs for ....whatever reason, is being healed and the energy blockages fall away.

Stay relaxed, blend with the universe as emptiness. Send Love into the emptiness while in this state (and THEN FEEL WHAT HAPPENS!!!) Stay with the emptiness, let the ripples of energy flow through and around you healing you (this actually happens by itself, think of it as a benefit of joining/blending with the Infinite energy sea) Just mentally dissolve what comes up and stay with the Universe as emptiness, loving it for as long as you like..........

I know that sounds like a lot of stuff, but actually its REALLY, REALLY simple...

To simplify, (if I can), when you are in a state of emptiness with the universe, the energy blockage will begin to flow out of your body because it was made of emptiness (Mind) and by joining with emptiness it can't sustain it's state of 'stuck-ness.' YOU are an observer which is beyond even emptiness, so by becoming emptiness, your Universe symbolically shifts around you into a more positive one. The Source (God, or whatever concept of God you have, internal, etc) is pure love on a flawless, omnipotent level. By sending love into the emptiness while you are in that state...well, I think the reasons should start to become apparent....

Anyways. While you are in this nebulous-like blissful state. Your higher Self (working with God, if you like) helps you heal, because you have made the intention to re-join the state of emptiness (like the loading screen in the Matrix) so you can "diffuse" the problem. So, if you should feel strange twitches or vibrations in your shoulders as you do this, that's 'normal' for healing, it's the old vibes draining out of you like a bathtub automatically emptying.

Another note, take heart when you realize your power and your Source. It is of Love, which is why selfish, greedy people don't stay happy for very long...(how do those Mega-Corps even have any sanity left?) share your healing gift with others and your immortal power shall be yours. Remember that anything that changes and/or falls away is not YOU, and that by happening, your higher Self is assisting you in your perfect evolution. Trust in the love of your Source, for by joining, you can never be separate from the Eternal. Nothing REAL is lost, even if it appears that way. Also, since everything is Mind. Everything is God. Nothing else exists.
I'll say it again. Everything is God. Only God is Real, NOTHING ELSE EXISTS. You are part of this as well. Never forget that. Even if it looks grizzly or limited "out-there." God is Perfect Love. God does not punish, It is -us- that got out of touch with that, it's us that believed that God would destroy us. We went through something that made us believe that we are here and separate and that the only way out is 'death' --our ego-mind wanted it to be impossible...but you can awaken from this, and death can fall away...remember death is symbolic of something changing, and what changes is not True Spirit. No, I'm not saying 'death' is going to disappear overnight, for there is much attachment to that, seemingly everywhere... For most Souls, they have to die in order to remember this stuff... You have a different opportunity, you have a chance to awaken while you appear to be "here." ...and "here" is actually a projection of our Unconscious Mind, exploded outwards--which is why we have to go 'within' to get to our real states. So, somewhere the Mind appeared to be inverted. But it isn't, and by learning to heal. We teach our ego-mind, that there is no fear, and we are still One with our Source...always have been, always will be. The essence of 'You' that feeling of observation that IS you. That can never, ever be lost. Ever.

By learning to heal yourself you DO heal others--because we are all ONE.I've healed a headache in myself and someone else's back-pain (they were sitting beside me) vanished. This is just an example of how we are all connected. Even if you heal others, you are healing your own mind somewhere, and vice versa. The results you achieve are reflected by what you put into your healing and the love for EVERYONE (the BIG 'YOU'), not just 'you'.

Your Higher Self has called you on -the- MOST Epic adventure ...EVER. The quest to find God. Your Self awaits your answer. And I can't even begin to describe how awesome that is... we shouldn't ever have any goal less than that. You are not looking for a 'figure in the clouds' (-for that is a symbolic projection outwards-- if you *did* see God in the clouds, you are really seeing it in the Unconscious mind)

Rather, when you blend with the emptiness and just "be love", it is there you will find God...not, when you are looking for 'him', but when the Mind is pure and empty of all distraction. For by healing yourself and others, you are rejoining something so amazing, you are rejoining your true and REAL potential.

When you start to see what that entails for your Real Self......this life becomes like a light-show compared to that. No, I'm not tricking you or setting you up. You are on the journey. The course is already set. (actually from a time-less standpoint, it is already done--something the ego-mind has trouble with, hence the need for healing) In "time" even forgiveness and healing will fall away. For they will no longer be needed. Yet, God answers only for Eternity, shining with 'his' Immortal Love...and with 'him' is ALL knowledge and all learning, whole and complete. In "time" when at last your Revelation comes, it will be perfectly understood.

If I'm talking to you (let's keep ego out of this) then there's a VERY, VERY good chance it is time. Seize it.

In the words of the ancient Maya,
"'In Lak'ech' - I am Another Yourself"

Good luck in your training, and God bless.
--See ya in Infinity! Ya, can count on that!

Last edited by Zakyrus; 07/22/11 04:36 AM.