I have a couple of questions about the new paraliminals. Could someone please explian the difference between the new paraliminal Abundant Money Mindset and the Prosperity cd. Is it that the Abundant money mindset paraliminal helps you clear away enough obstacles so that when you listen to the Prosperity cd, it is more effective? And what would be the difference between "self-discipline" and "Get around to it"? Also I sometimes use Deep Relaxation to go to sleep and 10 minute Supercharge so what would be the difference between those two and Sleep Deeply/Wake Refreshed?

These new paraliminals sound quite exciting, but I am wondering what is the difference since I have been in a bit of a rut.

I am also wondering if the physical cd is better than the MP3 download. I own all the other paraliminals in cd format but am going away on holiday for a few weeks and won't receive the cds before then. I was hoping to try these out on my holiday since I will finally have a chance to relax and can listen to the paraliminals for a few weeks without too many other things going on.

Finally, how would you suggest to incorporate these with all the other paraliminals? As I mentioned I am in a bit of a rut...well....more like a bore hole so any advice is much appreciated.
