Just my opinion but I would say that proper use of SFQ will go a long way in making changes in your life. Nine months ago I began one of three devastating heart attacks. This wasn't supposed to happen to me because I exercised regularly, ate right, etc. Well, it DID happen to me. I had been doing hard forms of martial arts and some taiji for many years. At the time I felt that I couldn't afford Master Lin's course. I got a break on that and changed my mind. I started SFQ in February or March. I had gone from incredible stamina and strength to being unable to stand on one leg for more that a half second without falling over. At first I could barely make it through one round of active exercise and my chi seemed to be non-existent. Very soon I was doing one hour. Early every morning I do one hour of active and small universe off and on during the day. I follow the instructions, going into the void, etc. My doctors are amazed at my progress. I have gone from being a man who wasn't supposed to survive to one who has graduated from cardio rehab with a 75% gain in strength and stamina and will soon be released to return to some mild training. Now mind you I am still weak in comparasion to where I used to be. But, I AM making progress.

I apologize if this is a long account. But I credit the Grace of God and SFQ for a lot of my recovery.