I cannot speak for Master Lin although I'm sure his view is pretty traditional on this subject. The subject of Astrology is pretty esoteric. If you get into the Feng Shui Compass and study it you find a few schools of Astrology. In Buddhism you also find another view on Astrology, Taoism probably even more so. All of these are very practical sciences but can take years to do on your own or finding a Master is it's own challenge. It is such a deep subject that it's not practical for most people to talk about unless you want to spend a few years doing it.

If you want to try, look up Stephen Skinner and his books on Feng Shui Compass for a light read. If you can understand the Heaven Ring I'm sure you will have an aha moment and see some possibilities.

If you are talking about Western Astrology Mr Skinner can help you there also.