Hi acugirl!

I love paraliminals and I've used them to great success in my life.

I just read your post and it seems to me that there would be some better paraliminals for you to get started with.

Generally speaking, when it comes to attracting love I would recommend 4 different paraliminals.

Now what's important is that you clarify one intention and maintain that same intention while doing different paraliminals. This will magnetize the non-conscious mind.

Something like "I am attracting into my life a loving, healthy, relationship with my future husband."

The first thing I would recommend is "You Deserve It!" I find that so often people start with a paraliminal or an intention and they don't even believe they deserve what they want. They're conscious mind says they do, but deep down the non-conscious mind has a very different idea. I used "You Deserve It!" to re-create my career. I used to be doing customer service at an hourly wage, and now I'm making a lot more money because I actually started to believe I was worth it.

Second I would recommend "Self-Esteem Supercharger." I think this paraliminal should be in EVERYONE'S library. Most people don't want to say "I need more self-esteem" and I wouldn't either myself. However, I would argue that there's no such thing as too much self-esteem. It doesn't matter how much self-esteem you have, it could always be supercharged to better your life. This paraliminal has absolutely changed my life- especially the way I show up in social situations and with the opposite sex. The truth is "the sexiest thing you can put on is confidence." I strongly recommend you start with these two.

Do each of them alternating with the same intention for at least 3 weeks.

After that I would recommend that you do "Creating Sparks" and "Instantaneous Personal Magnetism" - These two paraliminals will help you to magnetize your non-conscious mind for being playful and engaged when you're in the right situation to meet your future partner.

Do these two paraliminals for 3 weeks with the same intention that you did the other two with- After that simply wait, and you're future partner will come into your life. The great mega-power that is your non-conscious mind will set about doing it for you.

Every 3 weeks switch back and forth between the two, and soon enough it will happen without it even seeming like you tried.